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Mid-career recruitment
Job description, Track record of recruitment, Application, Job Opening lists

Job description

Working hours 8:30-17:15 *Including 1 hour break
*Flextime may apply depending on a location
Employment status A full-time employee
Raise Once a year *April
Bonus Twice a year *June, December
Allowances Commuting allowance, Overtime allowance, Family allowance, Meal allowance
Holidays / Vacations 120 or more annual holidays, 2 days off per week, Year-end and New Year holidays,
20 days of annual paid leave *up to 20 days carried over to next year,
Accumulated leave
Refresh leave, 5 consecutive days paid leave, Special leave *congratulatory or condolence leave, etc.
Planned paid leave system *5 days of individual planned paid leave, 2 days of department planned paid leave, Half-day paid leave, Hourly paid leave, etc.
*These conditions vary depending on the month of joining the company in the first year.

Track record of recruitment

  Hiring figures Ratio of Mid-career recruitment
Mid-career recruitment
Year 2022 45 32 71%
Year 2021 28 13 46%
Year 2020 39 29 74%


Please select the job you want from the list of job openings.
If you agree to the handling of personal information,
Please send your resume and employment history by e-mail.
e-mail address is as follows.

Job Opening lists

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