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GaN HEMTs for General Purpose


Sumitomo Electric terminated some of GaN HEMT products manufactured by outdated equipment and plans to replace them with new GaN technology dies. Contact us if you are interested or have any questions.
Part Number Freq. (GHz) VDS (V) Spec. Frequency Pout (dBm) Gp (dB) ηD (%) Condition Package
SGNH130M1H * DC-3.0 50 3 51.9 13.9 56.5 Pulse width: 200µsec, Duty 10% M1H
SGCA100M1H DC-4 50 3.9 50.5 14.5 48 Pulse width: 200µsec, Duty 10% M1H
SGCA030M1H DC-5 50 5 45.5 9.5 53 Pulse width: 200µsec, Duty 10% M1H
*: To be replaced by new GaN technology dies.
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